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Photo of Professor Sonia Cunico

Professor Sonia Cunico

Professor of Language Teaching (Italian) (E&S)


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Sonia Cunico is Professor of Language Teaching at the University of Exeter where she has worked since 2010 and was till 2023 the  Director of Language Teaching for the Department of Languages, Cultures, and Vuisual Studies and Director of the Foreign Language Centre.  She is the co-director of the BA International Business and Modern Languages. She has a BA in English and Spanish (University of Padua), an MA in Language Studies (University of Lancaster), an MA in Applied Linguistics and TESOL (University of Leicester), and a PhD from the University of Lancaster. She is a Qualified Teacher both in Italy and in England, and has a Diploma in Translation from the Institute of Linguists. Sonia has extensive experience of teaching Italian as L2 to UK undergraduates, Translation Studies at MA level, and of curriculum development in the language learning element of specialist and Foreign Language Centers programs. Sonia research interests are MFL in Higher Education, Teacher Education, Intercultural Competence, Translation Studies, Critical Discourse Analysis. Sonia has been a member of ALL Italian Committee and the editor of Tuttitalia (2004-10).

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Foreign Language Teaching in Higher Education, Teacher Education, Intercultural Communication, Translation Studies, Ideology in Translation, Critical Discourse Analysis.


Cunico, S. (forthcoming). Foreign Language Centres: Not just Language Service Provision but University-Wide Language Learning Communities.  Special Edition of the International Journal of Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching. Taylor and Francis, edited by C. O’Leary and T. Lamb.

Cunico, Sonia. (2021). Moving the year abroad online: ready, steady, go!. In Plutino, Alessia; Polisca, Elena (Eds), Languages at work, competent multilinguals and the pedagogical challenges of COVID-19 (pp. 97-103).

Cunico, S. (2019). The EUniTA project: working with international partners to develop language, intercultural, and professional competencies in European university students. Professional competencies in language learning and teaching, 53-64.

Cunico S. and Gieve, S. (2012) MFL students’ voices and reflections on their experience in HE.  Language Learning  Journal

Cunico, S. and J. Munday (2007) Translation and Ideology, Edited special edition of The Translator, St. Jerome Press: Manchester.

Cunico, S. (2009) “Translating characterisation: Dario Fo’s  Morte Accidentale travels to Britain”, in Chantler, A. and Dente, C. (eds) Translation Practices. Through Language to Culture. Amsterdam. Radopi.

Cunico, S. (2007) Review article: Nuovo Progetto Italiano: Corso Multimediale di Lingua e Civiltà Italiana, By Marin, T. and Magnelli, S., Edilingua. Tuttitalia, 34.

Cunico, S. (2006) “Ermanno Olmi e il mestiere di essere un uomo”. Tuttitalia, 32: 21-26.

Cunico, S. (2005) “Mala tempora currunt: L’italiano sta male, l’italiano sta benone”. Tuttitalia, 31: 21-23.

Cunico, S. (July 2005) “Teaching language, culture, and intercultural competence through drama: Some suggestions for a neglected resource” Language Learning Journal, 31:21-29.

Cunico, S. (2005) “Translating (dis)ordered speech in drama”. Babel. Volume 51: 1-15.

Cunico, S. (2005) “Teatro? Grazie, tanto per gradire’: Proposte per l’insegnamento della lingua con il teatro”  Tuttitalia, 30: 9-14.

Cunico, S. (2004) “Translation as a purposeful activity in the language classroom”, Tuttitalia, 29: 4-12.

Cunico, S. (1998) “Who’s afraid of maxims? The Co-operative Principle from H.P. Grice to G. Leech with an application to contemporary British and American dramatic discourse”, in Tornello, Haarman, and Gavioli (eds) British/American Variation in Language, Theory and Methodology. Bologna: CLUE

Cunico, S. (1997) "Politeness phenomena in dramatic discourse”. Rila (Rivista Italiana di Linguistica Applicata) 1: 93-108.

Cunico, S. (1993) "Patterns of foregrounded deviations in A Refusal to Mourn for the Death, by Fire, of a Child in London by Dylan Thomas". Lingua e Stile 28,1: 149-158.

Departmental working papers and University series:

Cunico, S. (2003) “Quality in the translation of drama”, in the Portsmouth Conference Proceedings ‘Quality Issues in Translation’. University of Portsmouth.

Cunico, S. (ed.)(2003) “Quality issues in translation”, in the Portsmouth Conference Proceeding. University of Portsmouth.

Cunico, S. (ed.) (2001) Introduction to Training Translators and Interpreters in the New Millennium. University of Portsmouth.

Cunico, S. (1999) “Framing madness in drama across languages” ILLTR Working Papers (Institute for Language Learning and Teaching Research, University of Portsmouth)

Unpublished conference contributions:

September 2009 Within the four walls: The challenge of raising intercultural awareness in the FL classroom, CercleS Conference, University of Padua.

March 2009 Imparare l’italiano L2 dal testo letterario, Italian as L2 Day, University of Leicester (with Monica Boria).

 May 2005 How to do things with translation. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Language Teaching, University of Teheran, Iran.

May 2005 Plenary speech at the 3rd International Conference on Language Teaching, University of Teheran, Iran. From grammatical competence to intercultural competence in FLT.

January 2005 Teaching language and intercultural competence through drama in the FL classroom. Paper presented at Moving Forward with Languages: Innovative approaches with language teaching. University of Central Lancashire.

June 2005: Intercultural competence in the Italian language classroom. University of Canterbury. ALL Language World Conference.

November 2004: Guest lecture at the University of Surrey, Centre for Translation Studies.

November 2002 Language, translation, and ideology (with Dr Simon Gieve): paper presented at the Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies, Umist.

November 2002 On the (im)possible invisibility of the translator: paper presented at the Lisbon Conference.

April 1999 Translating the dramatic text / Translating the culture: Translating the cultural dramatic text. Paper presented at the University of Brasília Department of Foreign Languages and Translation Research Seminar Series; and the University of Campinas.

April 1999 Rhetoric of madness: Interpretative analysis. Paper presented at the IVth International Conference on Verbal and Non-verbal Interaction, University of Brasilia.

November 1999 Colloquium organised collaboratively with the Portsmouth Translation Research Group, International Conference Aspects of Specialised Translation, University of North London.

August 1997 Women and madness in drama: is there any scope for resistance? Language and Gender Conference, University of Lancaster.

June 1997 The rhetoric of madness, Poetic and Stylistic Association International Conference, University of Nottingham.

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Copyright Notice: Any articles made available for download are for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the copyright holder.

| 2023 | 2021 | 2019 |


  • de Moura EPG, Cunico S, Strey M. (2023) EDITORIAL, Revista Conhecimento Online, volume 15, no. 2.



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MA in Applied Linguistics and TESOL – University of Leicester

Ph.D. in Linguistics – University of Lancaster

MA in Language Studies - University of Lancaster

Diploma in Translation – Institute of Linguists

BA in English Language and Literature – University of Padua (Italy)

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